Phone number:
In the heart of the city of Santa Rosa, California
I've been learning to listen to the land and learning to re-wild myself
in how I think about gardening and what it means to be a "gardener."
Manzanita. Ceanothus. Sweetpeas. Poppies. Columbine.
Yarrow. Penstemon. California Redbud. Dandelions. Milkweed. Dogwood.
Persimmons. Quince. Gaura. Native Grasses.
Are my teachers.
What I am discovering...
is that I am a steward for this land that I am fortunate to live upon.
I have a responsibility to the bugs, birds, critters, and plants
that are doing their best to survive in a city of concrete
as I heal my beliefs that I have control over Nature...
I am grateful for the path of the Irish Mary Reynolds,
the youngest contestant to win a gold medal at the Chelsea Flower Show.
She has transformed her own life and now refers to herself as a "reformed garden designer."
Mary has inspired me to let go... little by little...
and to be curious as to what will grow in my garden if I let it have its own intelligence.
And to trust that intelligence.
I continue to be shown wonder, beauty, and abundance.
I made the above sign, with a link to Mary's encouragement that we can be "ARKs" for our communities.
No matter where you live.
Even if all you have is a window box...
Even if you live in a city of concrete...
Planting seeds of re-wilding...