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January 19, 2025
Leslie Schultz & Lea Goode-Harris



No longer hiding under bridges

or lurking, threateningly, online, but

suddenly friendly. Now we encounter

trolls lumbering in forests and meadows,

beside our still-living lakes and streams.

Sturdy as oak trees, they smile down,

handing on their message of enough,

of simple abundance piled up everywhere.


 by Leslie Schultz


Long Leif and Alexa's Elixir

Detroit Mountain near Detroit Lakes, Minnesota

Long Leif Troll

Alexa's Elixir Troll

From the sculptor artist Thomas Dambo...

Alexa's brewing up the elixir to help the little people

The elixir consist of five different ingredients:

  1. A handful of chirps from some happy birds!
  2. A tree planted.
  3. The laughter from a stranger.
  4. A mile walked with bare feet.  
  5. A story about someone you love.

Alexa knows how to get the happy chirps herself, but for the other ingredients the other trolls,

Jacob Everear, Barefoot Frida, Long Leif and Ronny Funny Face will help you collect them,

and if your lucky you might find enough to offer some to The Golden Rabbit!

two trolls sit waiting

gazing towards the west sky

tucked into the wild

by Lea Goode-Harris

Erik Rock and Greta Granite,

of Ninigret Park, RI

Erik Rock Troll

Greta Granite Troll

 These amazing trolls are being created around the world 

by the sculptor artist Thomas Dambo.

Thomas says...

Trash is a treasure.

By sending people on a treasure hunt to find art made of garbage,

I hope to create a new appreciation for the things we throw away

and chip away at the ugly single-use mentality that floods our world with trash.

A synchronistic occurrence between two friends living and traveling in different parts of the USA,

discovered the Thomas Dambo Trolls very close together in time without knowing that this had happened until after the fact.

This post with our poems and photos is for Thomas

with all the gratitude our hearts can muster

for the magic, wonder, and beauty he is bringing to our world.

Visit Thomas's website "Troll Map" to see if there is a troll near you!

Leslie Schultz and Lea Goode-Harris

By Lea Goode-Harris November 29, 2024
I give thanks for life to walk this earth with beauty this day and all days I was visited and blessed by our local flock of turkeys, about 30 of them in all their glory. Ted Andrew says: Blessings. Blessings and abundance are present. Your efforts will soon be rewarded. Rewards will be proportionate to your efforts.
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In early August, we traveled from the hot and humid Minnesota prairie to the cool headland of Point Arena, California. It was the presence of the Point Arena Labyrinth that drew us there, and it did not disappoint.
By Lea Goode-Harris September 17, 2024
The moon… she gathers the light of the sun into her arms and gently bestows it to all throughout the night… Wrapping us in her ever-changing blanket of soft light weaving the stars into her fabric, into her face where Hare scampers and runs along the Milky Way into the portal of the Galactic Center back again and up and out of the Big Dipper landing on the back of Ursa Major, sliding onto Ursa Minor singing the entire way… The moon, she laughs and pulls the shades down, so we can sleep and slumber into dreamland re-imagining the world and our wholeness, our humanness beneath her benevolent sight, we pivot into possibilities and settle into the dream-time of becoming. - - - Full Moon in Pisces with Partial Lunar Eclipse September 17, 2024
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